Design in Action GIDE 2012 & Celebration GIDE 2013

Andrew Milligan (Editor), Davide Fassi (Research group member), Miaosen Gong (Research group member), Nansi Van Getsom (Research group member), Isabela Vegni (Research group member), Marion Meyer (Research group member), Petra Bole (Research group member), David Collins (Research group member)

    Research output: Book/ReportAnthology


    Milligan editor [Design in Action and co-edt and co-author [Celebration] for GIDE, the Group for International Design Education. This 55k word combined double-volume publication ‘Design in Action / Celebration’ describes outcomes from eight nations in an intercultural design network. Milligan outlines the impact of dynamic inter-cultural knowledge exchange between students, academics, institutions and industry participants offers a critique of the socially focused design events triggered by experimental workshops in Dundee and Ljubljana in two consecutive years 2012/13. Now in its twelfth year of operation, and embodying a strong interdisciplinary focus including disciplines of industrial & interaction, visual communication, art & interdisciplinary practice, service design and interior architectural & design, Milligan highlights the unique structure of the GIDE experience arguing that very few collaborative initiatives of this scale, dynamism or ambition exist in the HEI sector nationally or internationally. He outlines the scale of operation bringing 230 students’, 35 academics (from eight countries) and 8 creative & community partners for an intensive week-long research workshop, supported by the V&A Dundee. The range of previous GIDE activity is mapped out offering a sequential view of the annual cycle in the GIDE experience of conference, workshop, exhibition- followed by publication.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationMilan, ITALY
    PublisherMaggioli Editore SpA
    Commissioning bodyGroup for International Design Education
    Number of pages126
    ISBN (Print)978-88-387-6014-4
    Publication statusPublished - May 2015


    • Collaboration
    • Internationalisation
    • Design
    • Networks


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