Design in Action Knowledge Exchange Process Model: Design-led Knowledge Exchange for Business Innovation

Research output: Working paper/PreprintDiscussion paper

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Design is no longer strictly limited to the designing and appearance of graphics and objects, the understanding of design has expanded to include methodologies for innovation applied in the development of products and services, systems and business models. Similarly, the impact of design has evolved from one of styling to an approach for improving processes and strategic thinking, and as driver of business innovation. Moreover, design is being recognised as strategic tool for public sector innovation (c.f. Design for Public Good1 and Designing Democracy2). Addressing its wide potential, Innovate UK's recent 'Design in Innovation Strategy 2015-2019' promises to '[a]dvocate the use of excellent early-stage design, and raise awareness of the value of design in innovation'.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of Dundee
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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