Development of F-18-fluorinatable dendrons and their application to cancer cell targeting

Laurent Trembleau, Michael Simpson, Richard W. Cheyne, Imma Escofet, M. Virginia C. A. L. Appleyard, K. Murray, Sheila Sharp, Alastair M. Thompson, Tim A. D. Smith (Lead / Corresponding author)

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26 Citations (Scopus)


F-18-fluorine is an ideal imaging PET (positron emission tomography) nuclide due to the low energy of its beta+ (positron) and pure beta+ decay. PAMAM dendrimers are branched organic molecules with multiple NH2 termini each of which can accommodate the attachment of functionalities. The presence of a thiol group also facilitates the conjugation of a targeting molecule. Here we describe the attachment of boroaryl moieties to the terminal NH2 groups of dendrimers and after cleavage of the bridging thiol group conjugation of the functionalized dendrons (half-dendrimers) to biotin. Incubation of the targeted, boroaryl-functionalized dendrons with F-18-fluoride in acetic acid facilitated their radiolabelling with a labelling efficiency of about 60%. We then demonstrated that the F-18-dendron-biotin bound to HER-2 expressing cells in vitro pre-targeted with the avidin-trastuzumab conjugate. The cell-associated F-18 decreased with increasing dendron size suggesting that the larger dendrons sterically hindered binding of avidin with biotin. This is the first study to demonstrate that dendrimers can be functionalized with F-18-fluorinatable groups and used to target cell surface receptors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2496-2502
Number of pages7
JournalNew Journal of Chemistry
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2011




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