DING: A Magazine About The Internet And Things

Jon Rogers, Peter Thomas, Michelle Thorne

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    We founded DING magazine because we saw a gap in the practice of slow, considered making and the breakneck speed of technology. We wanted to anthologize the sprawling online conversations and provide a place of reflection for people interested in crafting technology in more responsible ways. It is a place of refuge to discuss internet health and emerging technologies — slowly, sustainably, and in print. Our inaugural issue is dedicated to the topic of craft and features a range of stories, including:

    An interview with Gillian Crampton Smith, one of the founders of interaction design. She describes the practice of designing the right thing — and designing the thing right. As virtual and physical worlds converge, Gillian argues that we need craft to inform how we interact with connected objects

    An overview of recent ethical technology projects, like Operação Serenata de Amor, an anti-corruption bot in Brazil

    An essay on the invisible costs of connected devices, from the graveyards of the cargo ships that carry our electronics to the cartels that shorten the lifespan of everyday objects. The essay is authored by Vladan Joler of the University of Novi Sad

    DING will publish twice yearly. The magazine was designed by Pete Thomas. Read the first-ever edition »
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDuncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design
    Number of pages64
    ISBN (Print)1899827779
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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