title = "Distant Landscapes",
author = "Philip Braham",
note = "This exhibition presented ten new paintings and drawings alongside 18 works previously exhibited in 2005 at the Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh. The key new painting 'The Silence of Snow, Bialowieska' measured 137 x 183 cm and took 6 months to complete. It memorialises the snow covered interior of the forest that had offered shelter to isolated groups of Jews during WWII, but had also provided cover for the atrocities perpetrated by Stalin{\textquoteright}s forces in the subsequent annexation of Poland. Media included oils on canvas, oils on paper, inks on paper, and c-type photographs. The exhibition was accompanied by a book 'Distant Landscapes - Philip Braham', 44 Pages, 37 colour reproductions, published by BCA Gallery Ltd. (ISBN: 1 901 340 112). The book covered the artist{\textquoteright}s work from 2000 – 2005 and includes the 3000 word essay by Nicholas Davey entitled {\textquoteleft}The distances in which we live{\textquoteright}. A website (http://www.philipbraham.com) was launched to coincide with the opening of this exhibition which contains an archive of paintings, recent projects, night photographs and a statement about Braham practice. The exhibition led to a 4 page feature by Edwin Riddell entitled {\textquoteleft}The man who paints time{\textquoteright} in Artists and Illustrators magazine, Britain{\textquoteright}s most widely read art magazine. 1750 words with 9 images reproduced. Issue 242, November 2006. dc.format: 28 works (26x39cms to 107x152cms) ",
year = "2006",
language = "English",