Does dental trauma proforma (DTP) use enhance data capture? Development and pilot evaluation in a dental teaching hospital

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Aim: We aimed to Develop and undertake a pilot evaluation of a comprehensive dental trauma proforma. To achieve medicolegally required clear, contemporaneous records and relevant information necessary for optimum treatment outcome, proformas may enhance data capture and help mitigate human factors. This quality improvement/service development project involved cross-specialty (Restorative and Paediatric Dentistry) DTP development and implementation, guiding appropriate patient assessment and capture of relevant data.

Methods: DTP devised from IADT guidelines, ESE position statement and Specialist/experienced clinician input. Pilot evaluation involved 2 simulated patient case scenarios with calibrated role-players. 1st simulated case: Without proforma. 2nd case: With proforma. 11 participants (Dental Core Trainees and Undergraduate Students) took part.

Results: • Enhanced data capture with DTP • Notes when DTP used had a reproducible structure • Easy to navigate and locate information with DTP • Improved Self-efficacy with DTP Limitations: • Small sample size for pilot • Small simulated case number • Identified language to improve on form.

Conclusions: The output of this project is a developed DTP, applicable to immediate and delayed presentation. We have promising results from the pilot, and plan to undertake a larger evaluation exercise, including self-efficacy, “patient” perception along with data capture outcomes. There is potential to collaborate across institutions. Moving towards increasingly digitally integrated healthcare, we must plan how proformas can be shared, accessed and augmented globally. We intend to make our proforma available for unrestricted download.
Original languageEnglish
PagesOPD 3.10
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022
Event16th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry - Lison, Portugal
Duration: 15 Jun 202218 Jun 2022


Conference16th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
Abbreviated titleEAPD 2022
Internet address


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