Dundee Discoveries Past and Present

Matthew Jarron, Amy R. Cameron, James Gemmill (Illustrator)

    Research output: Other contribution

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    A series of self-guided walking tours through pioneering scientific research in medicine, biology, forensics, nursing and dentistry from the past to the present.

    Dundee is now celebrated internationally for its pioneering work in medical sciences, in particular the University of Dundee’s ground-breaking research into cancer, diabetes, drug development and surgical techniques. But the city has many more amazing stories of innovation and discovery in medicine and biology, past and present, and the three walking tours presented here will introduce you to some of the most extraordinary.

    Basic information about each topic is presented on this map, but you will ­find more in-depth information, images and videos on the accompanying website at uod.ac.uk/DundeeDiscoveriesMap

    For younger explorers, we have also included a Scavenger Hunt – look out for the cancer cell symbols on the map and see if you can ­find the various features listed along the way!
    Original languageEnglish
    TypeSelf-guided walking tours
    PublisherUniversity of Dundee
    Number of pages2
    Place of PublicationDundee
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2020


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