Elevated levels of soluble E-selectin in diabetic patients with severe symptomatic peripheral arterial occlusive disease requiring angioplasty: a possible role in diabetic vascular disease?

T. A. Elhadd, G. Kennedy, M. McLaren, P. A. Stonebridge, W. J. Shaw, J. J. F. Belch

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    10 Citations (Scopus)


    Back­ground. To study lev­els of E-selec­tin in ­patients with periph­er­al arte­ri­al occlu­sive dis­ease who were under­go­ing per­cut­ane­ous trans­lu­mi­nal angio­plas­ty.
    Meth­ods.?Experi­men­tal ­design and set­ting: Cross sec­tion­al case con­trol study, con­duct­ed in a teach­ing hos­pi­tal. Sub­jects: Seven ­patients with type-2 (non-insu­lin depen­dent) dia­betes mel­lit­us under­go­ing trans­lu­mi­nal angio­plas­ty for symp­to­mat­ic periph­er­al arte­ri­al occlu­sive dis­ease, had blood tests for sE-selec­tin meas­ure­ment, and were com­pared to a sim­i­lar ­groups of age and sex ­matched non-dia­bet­ic ­patients with arter­i­op­a­thy who are under­go­ing the same pro­ce­dure. Also eval­u­at­ed were a group of dia­bet­ic ­patients and ­healthy non-dia­bet­ics with no periph­er­al arte­ri­al dis­ease.
    ­Results.?The lev­els of sE-selec­tin in the two dia­bet­ic ­groups were sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er than the non-dia­bet­ic ­groups meas­ur­ing at 77 ng/ml (53-120) and 79 ng/ml (43-98) (­median, range) vs 54 ng/ml (24-104) in the non-dia­bet­ic with arter­i­op­a­thy, and 42 ng/ml (35-66) in the nor­mal ­healthy con­trols, p<0.04, p<0.003 respec­tive­ly, Mann Whit­ney “U” test.
    Con­clu­sions. We have dem­on­strat­ed sig­nif­i­cant­ly high val­ues of sol­u­ble E-selec­tin in ­patients with dia­betes mel­lit­us requir­ing angio­plas­ty for symp­to­mat­ic periph­er­al arte­ri­al occlu­sive dis­ease. This sug­gests that sE-selec­tin may be ­involved in the dia­bet­ic angio­path­ic pro­cess. It may act as a pre­cur­sor for ­smooth mus­cle pro­life­ra­tion.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)171-175
    Number of pages5
    JournalInternational Angiology
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2000


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