Empathy Timeline Tool

Mel Woods, Saskia Coulson, Raquel Ajates, Mara Balestrini, Sihana Bejtullahu, Stefano Bocconi, Gijs Boerwinkel, Marc Boonstra, Douwe-Sjoerd Boschman, Guillem Camprodon, Tomas Diez, Ioan Fazey, Drew Hemment, Christine van den Horn, Trim Ilazi, Ivonne Jansen-Dings, Frank Kresin, Dan McQuillan, Susana Nascimento, Emma PareschiAlexandre Polvora, Ron Salaj, Michelle Scott, Gui Seiz

    Research output: Other contribution

    802 Downloads (Pure)


    This is an open-source downloadable tool that has been developed with community-led citizen science projects in mind. It is part of Citizen Sensing: A Toolkit, a collection of 25 methods and tools that can be used in citizen science projects.

    The Empathy Timeline tool is designed for community members and citizen science practitioners wanting to start a new project and is designed to be used at the beginning of a citizen science project. This Empathy Timeline method involves asking community members to think about the complexities of the shared issue they would like to monitor. The tool helps community members become aware of their own subjective viewpoints on environmental problems, as this approach allows participants to think about their own personal perceptions. This reflexivity can be achieved by having community members talk about the ways that they are affected by the issue, but also the ways that they contribute to it. An empathy timeline facilitates community building by bringing people together to discuss issues and consider them in a way that they perhaps have not often done before.

    This page includes an Empathy Timeline guidance document which outlines the tool, the steps, resources needed and useful links that can explain the process of using the tool yourself. The page also includes an Empathy Timeline canvas and a collection of sample shapes, both of which can be used in conducting the Empathy Timeline activity.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUniversity of Dundee
    Number of pages5
    Place of PublicationDundee
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Citizen Science
    • Environmental Monitoring
    • Climate Issues
    • Toolkits
    • Co-Creation
    • Design
    • Mapping
    • Community-based Participatory Research
    • Consensus
    • Group activity
    • Discussion
    • Self-awareness


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    • Co-Evaluation Tool

      Woods, M., Ajates, R., Gulari, N., Coulson, S. (Contributing member) & Consortium, G. (Contributing member), Oct 2020, 8 p. Dundee : University of Dundee.

      Research output: Other contribution

      Open Access
      662 Downloads (Pure)
    • Community Level Indicators Tool

      Woods, M., Coulson, S., Ajates, R., Hemment, D., Balestrini, M. (Contributing member), Bejtullahu, S. (Contributing member), Bocconi, S. (Contributing member), Boerwinkel, G. (Contributing member), Boonstra, M. (Contributing member), Boschman, D.-S. (Contributing member), Camprodon, G. (Contributing member), Diez, T. (Contributing member), Fazey, I. (Contributing member), van den Horn, C. (Contributing member), Ilazi, T. (Contributing member), Jansen-Dings, I. (Contributing member), Kresin, F. (Contributing member), McQuillan, D. (Contributing member), Nascimento, S. (Contributing member) & Pareschi, E. (Contributing member) & 4 others, Polvora, A. (Contributing member), Salaj, R. (Contributing member), Scott, M. (Contributing member) & Seiz, G. (Contributing member), Oct 2020, 4 p. Dundee : University of Dundee.

      Research output: Other contribution

      Open Access
      470 Downloads (Pure)
    • Data Postcards Tool

      Woods, M., Coulson, S. & Ajates, R., Oct 2020, 5 p. Dundee : University of Dundee.

      Research output: Other contribution

      Open Access
      326 Downloads (Pure)

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