Escape Routes: lessons learned from the development of prevention methodologies and the creation of alternatives for adolescents and youngsters involved in drug trafficking

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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The purpose of this publication is to present lessons learned and good practices that have been developed by Observatório de Favelas during the development of the Escape Routes program. Expectations are that this material will enable the achievement of three basic objectives:

I. To present our perspective of child labor in drug trafficking;
II. To describe our experience, indicating methods used, the reasons for some of the choices made and results obtained through these choices;
III. To present recommendations for projects and/ or public policies addressing the prevention and creation of alternatives for children and youngsters involved in drug trafficking and other illicit activities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrazil
PublisherObservatório de Favelas/International Labour Organization
Number of pages84
ISBN (Electronic)9789221227038
ISBN (Print)9789221227021
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Child Labour
  • Drug trafficking
  • Youth
  • Methodology of social intervention
  • Favelas
  • Brazil


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