Evaluating process based assessment through blended learning: amplifying the student voice(s)?

Brian Hudson, Annelie Boden, Ann-Britt Enochsson, Carina Granberg, Magnus Johansson, Hakan Liljeqvist, Dag Osterlund, Helena Persson

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


    This project is a collaborative development between Umeå University, Karlstads University and Linköping Universitythat builds on an existing partnership and on current development work in relation to ICT and learning at all three partner institutions. It has been designed together with students and aims to strengthen ICT use as well as pedagogical communication between the campus and schools involved in VFU (verksamhetsförlagd utbildning or practice based education). The main aim of the project is to develop the use of process based assessment through which the students, supported by teacher educators, will negotiate individual learning goals within a wider framework of didactical course goals. This process is intended to support students in documenting, reflecting upon and evaluating their own learning processes. Thereby this process based model aims to develop the students' skills of critical reflection on their learning, promote their responsibility for self development and to prepare them for "life long learning". The project has been supported by the Swedish Agency for Networks and Co-operation in Higher Education (nshu) with funding of 2 million Kroner over 2007-09
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    EventNU2008 Conference - Kalmar, Sweden
    Duration: 7 May 20089 May 2008


    ConferenceNU2008 Conference
    OtherLärande i en ny tid – samtal om undervisning i högre utbildning (Learning in a new time – deliberations about teaching in higher education)


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