Evaluating the effectiveness of a preclinical practice of tooth preparation using digital training system: A randomised controlled trial

L. Liu, J. Li, S. Yuan, T. Wang, F. Chu, X. Lu, J. Hu, C. Wang, B. Yan (Lead / Corresponding author), L. Wang

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Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of preclinical training on ceramic crown preparation using digital training system compared with traditional training method.

Materials and methods: A sample of 66 participating fourth-year undergraduate dental students were randomly assigned to one of two groups for ceramic crown preparation: experimental group as trained using digital method with Online Peer-Review System (OPRS) and Real-time Dental Training and Evaluation System (RDTES); control group as trained using traditional method with instructor demonstration and evaluation. At the completion of training periods, both groups performed the preparation of ceramic crown of upper left central incisor, which were blindly scored by the experienced instructors under the pre-defined assessment criteria. The results of both were compared using Student's t-test or Wilcoxon signed rank test. The level of significance was P < .05. The questionnaires regarding the benefits or drawbacks of digital training system were answered by the students of experimental group.

Results: Five of 15 items in the assessment outcome of the digital group were significantly better than the traditional group. The questionnaire results from the students of the experimental group indicated 96.97% of the students agreed or strongly agreed that using digital training system could better improve the practical ability than traditional method. The total scores of practical results were significantly positively correlated with the points of the questionnaires.

Conclusion: The digital training system with OPRS and RDTES might be a good alternative to the traditional training method in the preclinical course of dental practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e679-e686
Number of pages8
JournalEuropean Journal of Dental Education
Issue number4
Early online date27 Jun 2018
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018


  • dental education
  • digital technology
  • feedback
  • peer assessment
  • preclinical practice
  • self-assessment

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education
  • General Dentistry


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