title = "Evaluation of the Professional Development Programme for educational psychologists in Scotland",
abstract = "In 2007-08, the Scottish Government Schools Directorate commissioned an evaluation of the Professional Development Programme (PDP) for the Educational Psychologists in Scotland. The aim of the research was to carry out an assessment of the effectiveness and value for money of the PDP and options for improvement within the current level of funding. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected from Educational Psychologists (EPs), existing PDP Steering Group members, Heads of Education Service (for the perspectives of both the Association of Directors of Education Scotland [ADES] and the Convention of Scottish local Authorities [COSLA]), members of Scottish Division of (SDEP), Her Majesty{\textquoteright}s Inspectorate of Education (HMIE), and the Scottish Government.",
keywords = "Professional Development Programme (PDP), Educational Psychology (EP)",
author = "Divya Jindal-Snape and Elaine Smith and Wilma Barrow and Elizabeth Hannah and Claire Kerr",
note = "The Professional Development Programme (PDP) for Educational Psychologists (EPs) is supported by the Scottish Government Schools Directorate. The Support for Learning Division, part of the Schools Directorate, currently funds the PDP and comissioned this independent evaluation of the Programme. The main aim of the evaluation was to carry out an assessment of the effectiveness and value for money of the PDP and options for improvement within the current level of funding. ",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
publisher = "Scottish Government",