Exploring Patients' Insight, Concerns, and Expectations at Dermatology Clinic: An Observational Study in 2 Centers in Scotland and Spain

Eliseo Martínez-García (Lead / Corresponding author), Andrew Affleck, Pariyawan Rakvit, Salvador Arias-Santiago, Agustín Buendía-Eisman

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    Background: Effective doctor-patient communication is of great importance in order to optimize medical consultation outcomes. However, it can be difficult to address all patients' concerns and expectations in clinic.

    Objective: To identify how much patients know about their medical condition, their fears and concerns, and their expectations, as well as evaluate the benefits of using a preconsultation questionnaire routinely.

    Methods: This study included consecutive patients attending dermatology outpatients from Dundee (Scotland) and Granada (Spain) who completed a simple preconsultation 3-part questionnaire. Answers to this questionnaire were discussed during clinic visits.

    Results: Two hundred patients participated in the study. Of all, 111 (55.5%) patients already knew their diagnosis or were able to describe their symptoms and/or feelings quite accurately at their visit to Dermatology. Most patients (85%) had fears regarding their dermatological problem. A majority of patients (97%) came to clinic with specific expectations, and many (41.5%) had multiple expectations. A high proportion of patients (74%) found the questionnaire useful.

    Conclusion: Patients attend clinic with different levels of knowledge, fears, and expectations. We recommend using a brief and easy to use preconsultation questionnaire as a cost-effective way of enhancing doctor-patient communication.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1197-1202
    Number of pages6
    JournalPatient Safety in Surgery
    Issue number6
    Early online date13 Mar 2020
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


    • personalized medicine
    • patient-centered
    • physician-patient communication
    • patient fears
    • patient expectations
    • psychodermatology


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