Extending the Glass Chain: Exhibition, SASA Gallery, Adelaide

Cath Keay (Curator)

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    Exhibition Dates: November 2018
    Venue: The South Australian School of Art (SASA) Gallery, Adelaide, Australia

    The Gläserne Kette (‘Glass’ or ‘Crystal’ Chain, depending on the translation) is also referred to as the utopian correspondence. In 1919 Bruno Taut organised an exhibition for unbekannte Architekten (unknown architects) at a gallery in Berlin. Following critical acclaim for this show, Taut asked like-minded exhibitors to exchange letters and designs for a better society. A dozen architects and artists answered his call to ‘break up and undermine all former principles’ via pseudonymous letters, and in just over a year created a pivotal moment in Expressionist creativity. They were fervent about the transformative power of architecture to effect moral regeneration. Throughout the sixty or so illustrated letters exchanged between the correspondents, there are prescient visions of spontaneous growth and autogenetic materials that anticipate advanced fabrication technologies available to us only now.

    The Extending the Glass Chain research group was a current version of this group, set up on its 100th Anniversary, with the intention of exploring similar themes from a contemporary, digital perspective.

    This research was carried out as part of the Extending the Glass Chain research group led by Dr Cath Keay (Edinburgh University). Researchers included historians, architects, artists and writers.

    Extending the Glass Chain project contributors:
    Emma Bowen, Gabriella Bisetto, Cath Keay, Chantal Riekel, Jason Dee, Sandra Schießl, Marek Gabrysch, Lindsay Duncanson, François Lemieux, Miguel Paredes Maldonado, Stefan Baumberger, Nicole Heidtke, Kati Blom, Pierre Forissier.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationAdelaide, Australia
    PublisherSASA Gallery
    Media of outputOther
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018


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