From Catastrophic Messianism to Comic Fatalism: A Reply to my Critics

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    The present texts will address some of the intricate issues that were raised in response to Abolishing Freedom. Unfortunately, the reader has to suffer through a rather longish introductory detour that will set the stage and provide the whole discussion with some additional gun powder. This gun powder production will be realized by recourse to a position that allows me to articulate the precise contours of the fatalist position that I defend in a more nuanced manner. I foresee this won’t end well and will introduce problems that will be far worse for me than the ones I tried to solve. But, well, what else could have been expected. Worstward, ho!

    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationProvocations: The Journal
    PublisherUniversity of Nebraska Press
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2020


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