Fryer control strategy improvement: towards acrylamide reduction in crisp manufacture

Phil Green, Gary Montague (Lead / Corresponding author), Ged McNamara, Ben Davies, Alberto Fiore, Keith Sturrock, Moria Ledbetter, Ingo Hein, Sophie Mantelin, Brian Harrower, Malcolm Knott, Stan Higgins, Karen Stott

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This paper describes research efforts to improve the operation of industrial scale crisp fryers to ensure that product quality targets are exceeded. The work described was undertaken within a project whose aim is to minimise the acrylamide formation arising during processing operations. The existing fryer temperature control scheme was found to be sub-optimal from an acrylamide perspective and involved considerable operator intervention, particularly at fryer start-up. A new temperature control system was designed and implemented to overcome the shortcomings of the existing strategy. Fryer temperature and crisp moisture were regulated effectively through gas flow and dwell time modifications. Interactions between loops were compensated for and start-up was automated to reduce the impact of operator-to-operator variation. The resulting scheme was found to deliver much-improved temperature control which will lead to a resultant decrease in acrylamide formation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-188
Number of pages12
JournalFood and Bioproducts Processing
Early online date5 Dec 2022
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


  • Acrylamide
  • Crisps
  • Fryer temperature control
  • Manufacturing
  • Multivariable

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biotechnology
  • Food Science
  • Biochemistry
  • General Chemical Engineering


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