FutureEverything Manual

Drew Hemment

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

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    FutureEverything runs year round digital innovation labs, engaging a worldwide community in generating social connectivity and practical solutions to innovation problems. The FutureEverything Manual overviews both past and present innovation labs. This includes: Data Arts (2009- ongoing), Open Data Cities (2009- ongoing), Globally Connected (2009- 2010), Urban Interface- Smart Cities (2009- 2010), Environment 2.0 (2006- 2009), Social Technologies (2006- 2008), Mobile Connections (2003- 2006).

    The publication also introduces the Data Dimension – an exploration of the ways in which artists and designers experiment with the infinite dimension of data that pervades our everyday. This includes a collection of essays from leading thinkers on a range of related subjects including: complexity, networks, visualisation and the impacts on media art practice.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationManchester
    Number of pages43
    ISBN (Print)9780955736094
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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