GAN based noise generation to aid activity recognition when augmenting measured wifi radar data with simulations

Shelly Vishwakarma, Chong Tang, Wenda Li, Karl Woodbridge, Raviraj Adve, Kevin Chetty

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

11 Citations (Scopus)


This work considers the use of a passive WiFi radar (PWR) to monitor human activities. Real-time uncooperative monitoring of people has numerous applications ranging from smart cities and transport to IoT and security. In e-healthcare, PWR technology could be used for ambient assisted living and early detection of chronic health conditions. Large training datasets could drive forward machine-learning-focused research in the above applications. However, generating and labeling large volumes of high-quality, diverse radar datasets is an onerous task. Therefore, we present an open-source motion capture data-driven simulation tool, SimHumalator, that can generate large volumes of human micro-Doppler radar data at multiple IEEE WiFi standards(IEEE 802.11g, n, and ad). We qualitatively compare the micro-Doppler signatures generated through SimHumalator with the measured signatures. To create a more realistic training dataset, we artificially add noise to our clean simulated spectrograms. A noise distribution is directly learned from real radar measurements using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). We observe improvements in the classification performances between 3 to 8%. Our results suggest that simulation data can be used to make adequate training data when the available measurement training support is low.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops
Subtitle of host publication(ICC Workshops) Proceesings
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)978-1-7281-9441-7
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021
Event2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops : (ICC Workshops) - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 14 Jun 202123 Jun 2023


Conference2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops


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