Genome-wide association study identifies three novel susceptibility loci for severe Acne vulgaris

Alexander A. Navarini, Michael A. Simpson, Michael Weale, Jo Knight, Isabelle Carlavan, Pascale Reiniche, David A. Burden, Alison Layton, Veronique Bataille, Michael Allen, Robert Pleass, Andrew Pink, Daniel Creamer, John English, Stephanie Munn, Shernaz Walton, The Acne Genetic Study Group, Carolyn Willis, Sophie Déret, Johannes J. VoegelCatherine H. Smith (Lead / Corresponding author), Richard C. Trembath (Lead / Corresponding author), Jonathan N. Barker (Lead / Corresponding author), Adam Ferguson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    62 Citations (Scopus)


    Acne vulgaris (acne) is a common inflammatory disorder of the cutaneous pilo-sebaceous unit. Here we perform a genome-wide association analysis in the United Kingdom, comparing severe cases of acne (n=1,893) with controls (n=5,132). In a second stage, we genotype putative-associated loci in a further 2,063 acne cases and 1,970 controls. We identify three genome-wide significant associations: 11q13.1 (rs478304, P combined=3.23 × 10-11 , odds ratio (OR)=1.20), 5q11.2 (rs38055, Pcombined =4.58 × 10-9, OR=1.17) and 1q41 (rs1159268, Pcombined =4.08 × 10-8, OR=1.17). All three loci contain genes linked to the TGFß cell signalling pathway, namely OVOL1, FST and TGFB2. Transcripts of OVOL1 and TFGB2 have decreased expression in affected compared with normal skin. Collectively, these data support a key role for dysregulation of TGFß-mediated signalling in susceptibility to acne.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number4020
    Number of pages6
    JournalNature Communications
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Jun 2014


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