Davide Fassi, Agnese Rebaglio, Graham Savage, Nansi Van Geetsom, Andrew Milligan

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Milligan, A. and Savage, G., (2012), co-authored book chapter in Interior Futures 11 Conference, University of Northumbria, 3 & 4 March 2011. Output was in Session Four: - ‘International Border Nexus’ and paper entitled ‘How Can the Group for International Design Education Remain Part of a Sustainable Future?’ described the shared project themes and ethos of the GIDE network over a ten-year period, outlining our theoretical research, and focusing on successful examples of intercultural exchange as a vehicle for the on-going sustainable development of interior design. GIDE operates a rolling annual programme that revolves around a shared global design theme, allowing flexibility of interpretation from seven nations in an event that brings academics, researchers and regional commerce, community and cultural organisations into contact with an interdisciplinary group of art & design students together in one of the partner schools. The basis of shared projects- which explore the societal and ethical dimensions of a design problem linked to the host city in the EU- provides the foundation for subsequent integration into each GIDE partners curriculum. This paper invites delegates to offer alternative perspectives on the potential for the work of GIDE as it moves forward into more uncharted territories. Edited by Rodgers, Paul and published in 2012i, 'Interiors Education Futures: Contemporary Insights. Libri, Faringdon. ISBN 9781907471520, examined the multiple ways in which interior spaces impact our everyday experiences. They help us rest, they provide facilities for cleaning us, they help transport us from one place to another in safety and comfort, and they help us relax. The designed interiors of university libraries, restaurants, factories, cafes, airplanes, trains, automobiles, and nightclubs therefore significantly contribute to making us all feel warmer, better, brighter, faster and happier. Interiors Education Futures contains 16 intriguing and stimulating papers on the subject of interior design / architecture education. The collection of papers contained within this edited book deal with a wide range of interior design education-related subjects including storytelling, practice-led design projects, post-optimal design, the phenomenology of retail design spaces, physical computing technologies in interior architecture, and design for branded environments, amongst others. The book includes a set of rich and varied debates surrounding the future of interior design education, practice and research that were held during the inaugural Interior Educators Conference at the School of Design, Northumbria University in March 2011. As such this book will form the basis of future developments in interior education, practice and research in the years ahead.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInteriors Education Futures
    Subtitle of host publicationContemporary Insights
    EditorsPaul Rodgers
    Place of PublicationFarringdon, Oxfordshire
    PublisherLibri Publishing
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Print)9781907471520
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2012
    EventInterior Educators Conference - School of Design, Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
    Duration: 3 Mar 20114 Mar 2011 (Link to conference pdf)


    ConferenceInterior Educators Conference
    Abbreviated titleInterior Futures'11
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    OtherThis inaugural conference of the Interior Educators group seeks to bring together members and other interested parties to create a dynamic national discourse within this diverse three-dimensional design discipline. The Interior Futures Conference will be of relevance to Interior Design, Interior Architecture and other Spatial Design disciplines.
    The main aim of the conference is to discuss the current standing of Interior Education in the UK, the relationship of Interior Education to its practice and the way in which current Interior practice and research may inform the future direction of Interior Education
    Internet address


    • GIDE
    • sustainability
    • internationalization
    • collaboration
    • interiors
    • Group for International Design Education


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