Glasgow Bethlehem twinning project: health and wellbeing

Elizabeth Hannah, Fergal Doherty

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    This article describes the involvement of two educational psychologists in a health and wellbeing initiative carried out under the auspices of a twinning arrangement between the cities of Glasgow and Bethlehem. It focuses on their participation in a six day visit to Bethlehem in December 2015 as members of a six person multi-disciplinary, multi-agency delegation. Relevant background information is outlined. This includes the basis for the visit; the nature of the partnership; and the context for the planned work. The aims and purpose of the visit and the type of information gathered are considered from an educational psychology perspective. In considering the wide range of experiences during an intensive visit programme, the authors offer their personal recollections and provide two vignettes. Possible developments and next steps on the path of collaboration and partnership between the professionals are outlined.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2-5
    JournalEducational Psychology in Scotland
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016


    • Health and well-being
    • Professional development
    • Partnership working


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