title = "GPU accelerated holography for multimode fiber applications",
abstract = "We demonstrate a compact GPU accelerated digital holography system for beam-shaping applications at the end of multimode fibre. The complete control of phase and amplitude on phase-only SLM is achieved through GPU implemented Gerchberg-Saxton and Yang-Gu algorithms. The GPU implementation is two orders of magnitude faster than the CPU implementation which allows video-rate image control at the distal end of the fiber virtually free of interference effects. We discuss the implementation of the algorithms and possible applications of the technology for structured illumination imaging at the end of multimode fibre.",
keywords = "beam shaping, digital holography, GPU, multimode fibre",
author = "Martin Pl{\"o}schner and Tomas Cizmar",
year = "2015",
doi = "10.1117/12.2079334",
language = "English",
isbn = "9781628414257",
volume = "9335",
series = "Proceedings of SPIE",
publisher = "SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering",
editor = "Bifano, {Thomas G. } and Kubby, {Joel } and Gigan, {Sylvain }",
booktitle = "Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems",
note = "SPIE Photonics West 2015: Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems ; Conference date: 07-02-2015 Through 09-02-2015",
url = "http://spie.org/x112639.xml",