Head: Sculpture, presented at Plug-In ICA, Winnipeg, Canada

Erica Eyres (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Part of Stages 2017, for Plug-In ICA, Winnipeg (solo presentation)

Erica Eyres’ artwork is influenced by the social and artistic milieu of Winnipeg, where she was born and regularly returns from her current home in Glasgow. She embraces awkwardness and humour through episodic work which often has a lo-fi craft aesthetic. Her biography is frequently the subject of her work, which she obscures through costuming, narration and role reversals. For STAGES she has disembodied and blown up a head into an inflatable sculpture that she has placed outside on top of a small commercial building. The head hauntingly yet pathetically is tipped on its side, severed from its body, tied to the roof of an abandoned building, which is destined for demolition. Head is set hovering from above, perched on the corner of a busy street; it is both starling and comical. For those passing by, there is a possible double-take. The inflatable has the implied connotation of an advertising gimmick, but something isn’t right. The eyes are off center, the nose flattened and the mouth pursed, and the building below is vacant with the sign covered in white vinyl. The head just looms.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWinnipeg, Canada
PublisherSTAGES 2017
Media of outputOther
SizeSculpture; nylon, air and electric fan
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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