How Transformational Leadership Theory and Complex Leadership Theory Complement the Introduction of Play-Based Learning: Teacher-Leader Identity in a Scottish Context

Emma McCole (Lead / Corresponding author)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This critical reflection explores the synergy between Transformational Leadership Theory (TLT) and Complex Leadership Theory (CLT) in the context of introducing play-based learning within Scottish educational settings. Recognizing the evolving landscape of education, this study investigates how the amalgamation of TLT and CLT contributes to the development of teacher-leader identity. The incorporation of play-based learning represents a paradigm shift in pedagogical approaches, demanding innovative leadership strategies. Transformational Leadership emphasizes inspiring and motivating followers, fostering a shared vision, and encouraging creativity—all integral components in navigating the complexities of play-based learning. Complex Leadership Theory, with its focus on adaptability and embracing uncertainty, complements Transformational Leadership by providing a framework for leaders to navigate the dynamic and multifaceted nature of educational change. Through an exploration of teacher-leader identity, this study sheds light on the nuanced ways in which leadership theories synergize to support the successful integration of play-based learning in the unique educational context of Scotland. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of leadership dynamics essential for fostering a progressive and responsive educational environment.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Social Science Student Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2024


  • Transformational Leadership
  • Complex Leadership Theory
  • Complex Adaptive Systems


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