How was your day? My Film, My Story! teaching method

Mascha Legel (Lead / Corresponding author), Nicola Grove, Gloria Soto, Annalu Waller, Bert Steenbergen, Hans Van Balkom, Stijn Deckers

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From 2012-2017 the project My Film, My Story! took place at several Dutch schools. Children with Complex Communication Needs could follow lessons in filmmaking and Storytelling. During this project a teaching method based on Film as Observable Communication (FaOC) was developed, which will be launched in April 2018. The purpose of the teaching method ‘My Film, My Story’ is to stimulate and assist story sharing (Grove, 2013) by children and young people Complex Communication Needs (CCN). The method was developed in close collabo- ration with children, parents, teachers and speech therapists. Daily personal story sharing is the foundation for language, personal development, and personal engagement (Soto & Hartmann, 2006; Von Tetzchner & Martinsen, 1996; Waller, 2006). The teaching method is based on self-collected and created film material by the AAC user him/herself. The self-created film provides the context of an experience/event that provides the support dur- ing the story sharing (Grove, 2013). The film never stands for itself but is supportive and adds to telling stories. Communication, oral language proficiency and participation are connected. Sharing a story takes two and is based on social interaction. If children don’t share their stories it might lead to frustration and might increase passivity, which further restricts their opportunities to develop expressive language and narrative skills (Raghavendra, Virgo, Olsson Connell, & Lane, 2011). . The National Expertise Center for Learning Development (SLO), in collaboration with other institutions such as the Dutch and Cito Expertise Center, has developed reference frameworks and associated learning lines to determine the level of students, including the oral language skills and narrative. For children and young people with CCN daily personal story sharing is a challenge they need supported augmentative alternative communi- cation tools to develop narrative skills. This is the purpose of the lesson method “My Film, My Story”. . The FaOC teaching method “My Film, My Story” offers children and young people with CCN, their par- ents, teachers and speech therapists a practical method of supporting daily story sharing at home and at school to pursue the reference core goals of oral language andnarrative skills. The use of Film as Observing Communication (FaOC) aims to improve story sharing and participation. The mean goal is that children, ado- lescents and adults with CCN get in touch with others and share big and small personal stories. Audio-visual and media technology can create new possibilities in the field of storytelling and Augmentative Alternative Communication (Pink, 2013). . In this presentation we introduce the FaOC teaching method “My Film, My Story!’ and present research results of research-project My Film, My Story!. We will give practical advice on how to use the teaching method with a focus on filming, editing and the story sharing with Film as Observable Communication in school and at home. During the presentation we will present film material collected filmed and edited by Children who use AAC. Grove, N. & Harwood, J. (2013). Storysharing: Personal narratives for identity and community. In N. Grove (Ed.), Using Storytelling to Support Children and Adults with Special Needs Transforming lives through telling tales. (pp. 102.-110). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Pink, S. (2013). Doing visual etnography. Thousand Oakes: Sage Publications. Soto, G., & Hartmann, E. (2006). Analysis of narratives produced by four children who use augmentative and alter- native communication. Journal of Communication Disorders, 39(6), 456–480. doi:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2006.04.005 Von Tetzchner, S., & Martinsen, H. (1996). Words and strategies: Conversations with young children who use aided language. Augmentative and alternative . communication: European perspectives, 65-88. Raghavendra, P., Virgo, R., Olsson, C., Connell, T., & Lane, A. (2011). Activity participation of children with complex communication needs, physical disabilities and typically developing peers. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 14, 145-155. Waller, A., O’Mara, D., Tait, L., Booth, L., Brophy-Arnott, B., & Hood, H. (2001). Using written stories to support the use of narrative in conversational interactions: Case study. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 17(4), 221–232. doi:10.1080/aac. Evidence Area: AACcess language and literacy, AACcess education, AACcess the community, AACcess social media Content Focus Area: Professional Practice Evidence, Research Methods and Theories
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2018
Event18th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication : AACcess All Areas - Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) , Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 21 Jul 201826 Jul 2018
Conference number: 18


Conference18th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Abbreviated titleISAAC 2018
CityGold Coast
Internet address


  • AAC
  • Narrative
  • Film production
  • Assistive Technology


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