Hydroelastic Response of a Submerged Plate to Long Waves

Masoud Hayatdavoodi (Lead / Corresponding author), R. Cengiz Ertekin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This study is concerned with the deformation of an elastic submerged plate in shallow water by nonlinear long waves. The submerged plate is fixed in its horizontal position, but may deform in the vertical direction due to time- and spatial-variant wave-induced pressure differential above and below the plate.

A submerged deformable plate, or elastic mat, can be applied to wave energy devices, namely as a wave carpet (see, e.g., Alam (2012)), and for mitigation of large waves in coastal areas. The principle concept of a wave carpet energy device is similar to that of propagation of waves over a muddy seafloor, where significant amount of wave energy attenuates due to the strong interaction with the mud banks. Similarly, a wave carpet is a mud-resembling deformable plate that can potentially extract the entire wave energy. The plate deformation can be transferred into electricity generation by, for example, a direct-drive power take-off system connected to the plate.

The deformation of the plate can be controlled and optimized by a spring and damping system. The responding force of the power take-off system is linearly proportional to the vertical speed of the plate deformation, and hence it has damping effect on the plate motion. Here, we confine our attention to the hydroelastic response of the submerged plate to wave-induced loads alone. Our objective is to formulate the problem of interaction of nonlinear long-waves with the elastic submerged plate by use of the nonlinear Level I GN equations. Numerical results will be discussed during the workshop.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB)
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event32nd International Workshop on Water Wave and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB) - Dalian, China
Duration: 23 Apr 201726 Apr 2017


Workshop32nd International Workshop on Water Wave and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB)
Internet address


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