Imaginaries and Organized Life: The Interplay of Tacit and Explicit Dimensions in the legitimation of organized everydayness

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This essay answers this question by proposing a circular model in which organized lives intermediate tacit and explicit dimensions, bringing to the fore judgments and deliberations to action. In this essay, I argue for a deeper understanding of the interplay between imaginaries and organized life, more specifically, to reintroduce a humane centrality in the organization of implicit (imaginaries) and explicit (facts, events, and routines) dimensions in social life. This essay advances a notion that the humane in the organizational processes facilitate the interchange between the subjective (imaginaries) and the objective (facts, events, and routines) enabling different forms of organizing. Figure 1 illustrate the claimed centrality of organized life in between tacit and explicit dimensions of everyday live, a perspective that enables newer scientific approaches to organizational and managerial phenomena and explanations to spontaneous organization and voluntary managerial responses that emerge to tackle societal challenges and pressing issues.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 2024
Event8th Dauphine Philosophy Workshop (DPW) : Beyond judgement and legitimation: Reconceptualizing the ontology of institutional dynamics in MOS - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL & Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Paris, France
Duration: 6 Jun 20246 Jun 2024


Conference8th Dauphine Philosophy Workshop (DPW)
Abbreviated titleDPW
Internet address


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