Initial Teacher Education in Scotland: Mapping Inclusive Pedagogy

Dianne Cantali, Louise Barrett

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    This collaborative study aims to identify and map inclusive pedagogy across Scotland’s universities initial teacher education programmes. As such, it is of national and international importance. The study is supported by the Scottish Council of Deans of Education.
    Following the development of the National Framework for Inclusion (STEC, 2009 and updated 2014), the Scottish Universities Inclusion Group have been working to articulate and deliver consistent approaches to the promotion of inclusive pedagogy across initial teacher education courses in Scotland. All eight universities are participating in the research.
    We are currently using The Council of Europe’s ‘Tool to Upgrade Teacher Education Practices for Inclusive Education’ (Hollenweger, Pantic and Florian, 2015) to map inclusive teacher education practice and to identify and record how the principled approaches of the National Framework for Inclusion are evident in initial teacher education across Scotland. The tool uses an activity model that can be applied to examine the activities that are taking place on our courses, and the intended outcomes.
    Main Findings
    Mapping using the tool is currently underway and the findings so far will be discussed at the conference. Data is being collected initially through audits of programme materials and then through interviews and surveys of lecturers and students.
    Conclusions and findings, including recommendations for policy, will be reported at the conference.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusUnpublished - 22 Nov 2018
    EventScottish Educational Research Association Annual Conference - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
    Duration: 21 Nov 201823 Nov 2018


    ConferenceScottish Educational Research Association Annual Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


    • initial teacher education
    • inclusive pedagogy
    • inclusion
    • inclusive teaching


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