Interpreting temperature effects in soils using thermally-enhanced viscoplastic model

Zhenhao Shi (Lead / Corresponding author), David Muir Wood, Maosong Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The goal of this work is to show that the thermomechanical behaviour of soils can be interpreted as rate processes that are controlled by temperature-dependent viscous properties. A simple thermally-enhanced viscoplastic model is proposed that combines critical state soil mechanics and overstress viscoplasticity, and includes the dependence of viscosity parameters on environmental temperatures in a way consistent with the well-established Arrhenius law of chemical reactions. This modelling approach is shown to be able to reproduce many well-observed patterns of the temperature effects on the volumetric and distortional characteristics of soils. The application of the thermally-enhanced viscoplastic model in boundary value problems is demonstrated by analysing one-dimensional consolidation of saturated soils subjected to coupled mechanical and thermal loading. The connection between temperature-sensitive viscous properties and experimentally observed transient acceleration of secondary consolidation in soils subjected to heating is highlighted.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104208
Number of pages13
JournalComputers and Geotechnics
Early online date21 May 2021
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2021


  • Constitutive models
  • Soils
  • Temperature effects
  • Time dependence
  • Viscoplasticity

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
  • Computer Science Applications


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