Interviewing stroke survivors three months after their stroke to inform the development of an intervention to reduce/break up sedentary behaviours.

Claire Fitzsimmons, Sarah L. Nicholson, Jacqui Morris, Gillian E. Mead, Ailsa Niven

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


    Stroke survivors are highly sedentary, increasing risk of poor health. Guided by the COM-B framework for understanding behaviour (‘Capability’, ‘Opportunity’, ‘Motivation’ to change a ‘Behaviour’) and wider Behaviour Change Wheel this study qualitatively explores the potential to reduce/break up sedentary behaviours (SBs) after stroke.

    Independently mobile Scottish stroke survivors were interviewed in their own homes three months post stroke. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using the Framework Method.

    Thirty one participants were interviewed (mean age=66.8, SD=14.6 years; 16 male; 10 walking aid). Participants discussed a range of sedentary activities (e.g. screen time, reading, socialising, motorised transport). In relation to capability, participants reported an increased need to sit, mainly due to physical tiredness or pain. Knowledge about health consequences of SBs ranged from a general lack of knowledge to some understanding of the association between SBs and specific health conditions (back pain, circulation, stroke). The majority identified opportunities to reduce SBs (household tasks; walking; going out with family/friends) but motivation was influenced by perceptions of negative consequences of being active (fear of falling/pain; fatigue; too much activity may cause another stroke) and the benefits of SBs (recovery; enjoyment).

    Ongoing analysis will further our understanding of SBs after stroke. Guided by the Behaviour Change Wheel, this information will be used to select appropriate intervention options and ultimately inform the design of a comprehensive intervention strategy with appropriate behaviour change techniques. External funding details Funded by Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government (CZH/4/1091); supported by the NRS Stroke Research Network
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventInternational Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress - Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom
    Duration: 15 Oct 201817 Oct 2018
    Conference number: 7


    ConferenceInternational Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress
    Abbreviated titleISPAH
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


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