Introduction to the Age and Ageing Sarcopenia collection

Miles Witham (Lead / Corresponding author), Avan Aihie Sayer

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

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    Sarcopenia – the loss of skeletal muscle mass and function that accompanies ageing – is now an established pathophysiological entity. There is increasing appreciation of its importance, and a growing, although incomplete, understanding of its causes. It is closely linked to physical frailty, and we are now at a point where detection of sarcopenia is beginning to be incorporated into clinical practice, and where potential interventions are beginning to undergo large clinical trials.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)752-753
    Number of pages2
    JournalAge and Ageing
    Issue number6
    Early online date12 Aug 2016
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2016


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