Investigation and Management of Resistant Hypertension: British and Irish Hypertension Society Position Statement

Luca Faconti (Lead / Corresponding author), Jacob George, Sarah Partridge, Carmen Maniero, Abilash Sathyanarayanan, Spoorthy Kulkarni, Vikas Kapil, Alredo Petrosino, Philip Lewis, Terry Mccormack, Neil R. Poulter, Anthony M. Heagerty, Ian B. Wilkinson

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People living with resistant hypertension (RH) are at high risk of adverse cardiovascular events. The British and Irish Hypertension Society has identified suspected RH as a condition for which specialist guidance may improve rates of blood pressure control and help clinicians identify those individuals who may benefit from specialist review. In this position statement we provide a practical approach for the investigation and management of adults with RH. We highlight gaps in the current evidence and identify important future research questions. Our aim is to support the delivery of high-quality and consistent care to people living with RH across the UK and Ireland.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Human Hypertension
Early online date9 Dec 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 9 Dec 2024


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