Juraprofessor: Danske politikere kan ikke forhindre Grønland i at blive en del af USA

Translated title of the contribution: Law professor: Danish politicians cannot prevent Greenland from becoming part of the United States

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Danske politikere kan ikke stoppe Grønlands uafhængighed. For det er muligt for Grønland at opnå uafhængighed helt uden den danske regerings samtykke. Det kan blandt andet ske gennem en ensidig løsrivelse, skriver Jacques Hartmann.

Danish politicians cannot stop Greenland's independence. Because it is possible for Greenland to achieve independence completely without the consent of the Danish government. This could happen, among other things, through unilateral secession, writes Jacques Hartmann.
Translated title of the contributionLaw professor: Danish politicians cannot prevent Greenland from becoming part of the United States
Original languageOther
Specialist publicationAltinget
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jan 2025


  • Demokrati
  • USA
  • Naalakkersuisut (Grønlands Selvstyre)
  • Færøerne
  • Grønland
  • Arktis


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