Juridikprofessor: Danmark kan inte hindra Grönland från att bli en del av USA

Translated title of the contribution: Law professor: Denmark cannot prevent Greenland from becoming part of the US

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Danska politiker kan inte stoppa Grönlands självständighet. Det är nämligen möjligt för Grönland att uppnå självständighet helt utan den danska regeringens samtycke. Detta kan bland annat ske genom en ensidig frigörelse, skriver Jacques Hartmann, professor i internationell rätt vid University of Dundee.

Danish politicians cannot stop Greenland's independence. It is possible for Greenland to achieve independence completely without the consent of the Danish government. This could happen, among other things, through unilateral disengagement, writes Jacques Hartmann, professor of international law at the University of Dundee.
Translated title of the contributionLaw professor: Denmark cannot prevent Greenland from becoming part of the US
Original languageOther
Specialist publicationAltinget
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jan 2025


  • Internationellt


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