Kinematic load tests on a model pile in clay

Michael Brown, Adrian F. L. Hyde, William Anderson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Load testing is important for controlling the quality of piled foundations. The Statnamic test is an alternative to existing testing methods with a load duration that lies between that for static and dynamic tests. Current methods of analysis offer excellent correlation between static and Statnamic tests for coarse-grained soils but often over-predict the capacity for fine-grained soils. Thus a calibration chamber is being used to produce instrumented beds of clay with reproducible properties. A model pile placed in the beds can be loaded at varying rates using a computer controlled servo-hydraulic system. Results from the modelling will be used to improve methods of analysis and govern the design of a full-scale study. Initial results suggest the rate effect can be represented by a power law relating pile velocity and resistance. Statnamic loading of the model pile produced large negative pore pressures in the clay bed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication9th International Conference On Piling and Deep Foundations (DFI)
Place of PublicationFrance
PublisherDeep Foundations Institute
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)978285978358X
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2002


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