Let’s Win This Game Together’: Children’s Rights Violations, Macrosecuritisation and the Transformative Potential of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil

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Sport's transformative potential is known to support marginalised children, to deal with traumatic experiences and instil positive values; yet hosting mega sporting events (MSEs) can have negative impacts. Drawing on participatory research with favela-based children during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, this article argues that MSEs bring a macro-securitisation of urban life, which causes considerable harm. This paper also suggests that the inclusion of children's voices in advocacy debates can challenge top-down securitisation and might allow MSEs to foster further positive social transformation. Therefore, juxtaposed with causing harm, macro-securitisations can open opportunities for children to take action and have their voices heard.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)284-299
Number of pages16
JournalBulletin of Latin American Research
Issue number3
Early online date28 Dec 2018
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2019


  • children's rights
  • mega sports events
  • securitisation
  • social transformation
  • urban poverty

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Development


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