Maintaining the Visibility of Participants’ Storied Data in an Interpretative Study Using a Thematic Narrative Analysis Approach

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Honouring the agency and intention of participants in research can be difficult. In this paper I discuss my approach to the analysis of data, with a consideration for the narratives and stories of my participants generated through the research process in my study. The stories told by my participants held a considerable amount of emotional attachment and I was wary about ‘decontextualising the data’ through breaking it up into small pieces; that through my interpretative position I was at risk of losing the individuality of the participants in the search for collective understandings.

In my study I adopted a Thematic Narrative Analysis approach, where there is narrative analysis across the stories captured during the interview process. Treating the interview responses as ‘cultural stories’ lends itself to a narrative analysis, which is able to break with the constraints of coding and the risk of decontextualised text which can result from a purely thematic exercise yet allows for development of a themed categorisation to provide a magnified insight into specific areas of commonality and contrast. The Thematic Narrative approach to my analysis is the focus of this paper and I present the process I adopted to analyse the narratives whilst keeping in my mind the themes of the research questions yet retaining a visibility of the participants’ lived experiences in my study.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Nov 2022
EventScottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2022 - University of West of Scotland, Ayr, United Kingdom
Duration: 23 Nov 202225 Nov 2022 (Link to Conference Website)


ConferenceScottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2022
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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