Migrating Borders: Territorial Rescaling and Citizenship Realignment in Europe

Jean-Thomas Arrighi, Dejan Stjepanović

    Research output: Book/ReportAnthology


    Migrating Borders explores the relationship between territory and citizenship at a time when the very boundaries of the political community come into question.

    Made up of an interdisciplinary team of social scientists, the book provides new answers to the age-old ‘question of nationalities’ as it unfolds in a particular context – the European multilevel federation – where polities are linked to each other through a complex web of vertical and horizontal relations. Individual chapters cover and compare well-known cases such as Catalonia, Kosovo and Scotland, but also others that often fall under the radar of mainstream analysis, such as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus or the Roma. At a time of heightened uncertainty surrounding the European integration project, the book offers an invaluable theoretical and empirical compass to navigate some of the most pressing issues in contemporary European politics.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages148
    ISBN (Print)9780367373306
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Nov 2019

    Publication series

    NameAssociation for the Study of Nationalities


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