Missing pieces of an ancient puzzle: evolution of the Eukaryotic Membrane-Trafficking System

Alexander Schlacht, Emily K. Herman, Mary J. Klute, Mark C. Field, Joel B. Dacks (Lead / Corresponding author)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    52 Citations (Scopus)


    The membrane-trafficking system underpins cellular trafficking of material in eukaryotes and its evolution would have been a watershed in eukaryogenesis. Evolutionary cell biological studies have been unraveling the history of proteins responsible for vesicle transport and organelle identity revealing both highly conserved components and lineage-specific innovations. Recently, endomembrane components with a broad, but patchy, distribution have been observed as well, pieces that are missing from our cell biological and evolutionary models of membrane trafficking. These data together allow for new insights into the history and forces that shape the evolution of this critical cell biological system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbera016048
    JournalCold spring harbor perspectives in biology
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014


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