Modeling and Using Context: Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2001. Dundee, UK, July 27-30, 2001, Proceedings

Varol Akman (Editor), Paolo Bouquet (Editor), Richmond Thomason (Editor), Roger A. Young (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

    Search results

    • 2001

      Explanation as Contextual

      Young, R. A., 2001, Modeling and Using Context: Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2001. Dundee, UK, July 27-30, 2001, Proceedings. Akman, V., Bouquet, P., Thomason, R. & Young, R. A. (eds.). Springer , p. 381-394 14 p. (Lecture notes in computer science; no. 2116).

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution