MOOC I - Citizen Science: From Soil to Sky

Mel Woods (Creator), Raquel Ajates (Creator)

    Research output: Other contribution


    Length: 3 weeks
    Course Description:
    Become a citizen scientist and help improve your soil and the environment

    Where can you find all sorts of useful and important information about your environment? You might be surprised to know it’s beneath your feet, in the soil. On this course you will discover interesting things about your own soil and become part of the new GROW Citizen Observatory European-wide community. You will collaborate with other growers and scientists to discover the impact global soil practices have on major issues like the environment and food growing.

    Now is the time to make a difference, join us, improve your soil and become a citizen scientist!

    Course content

    ∗ Citizen Science and Fieldwork

    ∗ Soils, Growing Sites and Plant Health

    ∗ Climate, Temperature and Moisture

    ∗ Landscape Representivity and Cover

    ∗ Soil Components

    ∗ Global Challenges for Soil

    ∗ Regenerative Techniques

    ∗ Landscape Ecosystems

    ∗ The GROW Observatory app

    Original languageEnglish
    TypeMassive Open Online Course
    Media of outputThree iterations. First: May 2017, Second: February 2018, Third: February 2019
    PublisherGROW Observatory
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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