Multiscale modelling of rock behaviour around underground works with an insight of microstructural characteristics influence

Benoît Pardoen, Christos Mourlas

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Rock behaviour conditions the stability of deep underground exploitations. The excavations generate deformations, damage, and fractures in the surrounding rock. At engineering scale, phenomenological constitutive models are often considered; however, macroscale behaviour takes its origin from small-scale properties. Their influence on material deformations and damage across scales remains complex. Therefore, the behaviour of a clay rock is modelled at two scales. The excavation and damaged zones around galleries are reproduced at large scale. The excavation-induced fractures are modelled with shear bands. The approach is enriched with microstructural characteristics of mineral inclusions and clay matrix. The material mesostructure and behaviour are embedded in a representative elementary volume. A double-scale numerical framework (FEM×FEM) with computational homogenisation relates small-and large-scale behaviours, as deformations and failures. The damage and cracking developments at micro/meso scales allow to predict macroscale shear banding. The results highlight the possibilities of double-scale computing to predict underground structure behaviour.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChallenges in Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering
EditorsW. Schubert, A. Kluckner
Place of PublicationSalzburg
PublisherAustrian Society for Geomechanics
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023
Event15th International ISRM Congress & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium - Salzburg Congress, Slazburg, Austria
Duration: 9 Oct 202314 Oct 2023


Conference15th International ISRM Congress & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium
Internet address


  • Damage
  • shear failure
  • double-scale modelling
  • microstructural characteristics
  • excavation


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