Musketeers for Storytelling and Film in AAC

Mascha Legel, Gloria Soto, Nicola Grove, Annalu Waller

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The aim of this presentation is to discuss the importance of storytelling and to describe how to use film making as a tool for storytelling in the educational and home environment. We will present the results of a research project titled “My Film, My Story”. The research examined the effect of Film as Observable Communication in Conversational Narrative.

The research-project was implemented in several Dutch (special) education schools to introduce filmmaking as a way to promote the importance of sharing personal stories. This project involved close collaboration between AAC- users, their family, their schools and speech-and language pathologists. “My film, My Story” is generally based on the idea of “Film as Observable Communication“FaOC”, whereby children are taught to create their own films, through filming and editing, as tool for storytelling. With FaOC the children become the director of
their story and film. In September 2017 the project will be completed, resulting in a practical evidence-based teaching method “My Film, My Story”. As a follow up, we will implement “Cam on Wheels”, which is Professional Education for Filmmakers, stimulating more inclusive education and possibilities for AAC students.

We will discuss the effects of using FaOC on the participating children’s Conversational Narrative skills, with specific emphasis on expressive language learning. The findings suggest that the conversational narrative with FaOC contained more topic development, through effective conversational repairs, resulting in a more symmetric interaction between the narrators. Implications for the application of storytelling and film as a means for AAC are discussed, as well as suggestions for future projects as Cam on Wheels. Film clips of the project will be

We hope that the participants can experience the enjoyment and effectiveness of storytelling and
film. You don’t need to be a professional filmmaker to use film in AAC.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2017
EventCommunication Matters : CM2017 National AAC Conference - University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Sept 201712 Sept 2017


ConferenceCommunication Matters
Abbreviated titleCM2017
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • AAC

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • Education


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