Natural Forces – Dynamic Ingredients for Creative Practice New Craft Future Voices, International Conference and Exhibition, Dundee, Scotland

Frances Stevenson, Lara Scobie

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    To what degree does working in collaboration affect the craft practitioner’s ability to ‘see’ and take risks? This paper discusses the results of a pilot study that considered the value of collaborative making in the context of craft. It will use the work of a ceramicist and a printed textiles practitioner, and discuss collaboration in terms of knowledge transfer, inspiration generation and, intellectual and aesthetic development.

    What is the value of creating a new craft aesthetic (a hybrid) when exploring the material, technological and intellectual tension between 2D print and 3D ceramics of two independent makers? How simple is it to share theoretical and tacit knowledge when collaborating? Does the collaborative discourse facilitate different ways of ‘seeing’ (both intellectual and physical)?

    This research seeks to consider how and if collaboration acts as a catalyst for nurturing the imagination through the quality of final craft works. It will contribute to local knowledge and understanding of craft.

    The common thread that unites the practitioners is the subject of their work, nature and the natural environment. This link formed the basis of the collaborative venture and is a core principle driving their thinking. Reference to craft practitioner’s and writings concerning the influence and role of nature will be discussed, with particular reference being made to, Soetsu Yanagi, D’Arcy Thompson, Peter Stevens, Peter Dormer, Owen Jones, Bernard Leech, David Pye, Kate Malone, Peter Masters and Kazuhito Takodoi.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of New Craft Future Voices Conference
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2007
    EventNew Craft Future Voices Conference - University Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom
    Duration: 1 Jul 20071 Jul 2007


    ConferenceNew Craft Future Voices Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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