New on-line teaching qualification for college lecturers: an evaluation

Carey Normand, Brenda Keatch

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    The paper focuses on a newly developed, highly innovative online, distance learning qualification for College Lecturers, delivered by the University of Dundee. The learning is facilitated through an interactive Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and uses a Constructivist learning and teaching approach. Initially, the rationale and design of the VLE will be discussed and this will lead into our research project which explores the efficacy of the Discussion Fora for participants on the programme. The TQ(FE) programme aims to provide a comprehensive teaching qualification for experienced lecturers working predominately in the College Sector. Traditionally, this is delivered on a face-to-face basis;however, here at the University of Dundee we have developed a state-of-the-art, distance on-line learning programme supported by the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Britain and Liber (1999:10) state that the VLE used in an educational context ‘…is inherently more pro-active from the student’s perspective…’. This correlated with our view, but was not evidenced by our participants’ behaviour which was reticent in this environment and was tutor driven.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationETEN 17: The proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Teacher Education Network
    EditorsNeil Hall
    PublisherEuropean Teacher Education Network
    ISBN (Print)9781861662385
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventEuropean Teacher Education Network Annual Conference - Porto, Portugal
    Duration: 19 Apr 200721 Apr 2007


    ConferenceEuropean Teacher Education Network Annual Conference
    Abbreviated titleETEN 17
    Internet address


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