Observatory of Urban Inequalities

Fernando Fernandes, Markus Themessl-Huber

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    The development of an Observatory of Urban Inequalities was inspired by the experiences of the Observatório de Favelas (Observatory of Favelas). The Observatory of Favelas is a Brazilian organization aiming to develop research and projects addressed to tackle urban problems in Brazilian cities, with special focus on poverty and human rights. The Observatory has been creating synergies across Brazilian cities, involving a wide range of actors, from local organizations to governments and international agencies.

    The creation of an Observatory of Urban Inequalities in Dundee has the potential to play a significant role in strengthening connections between the University, local organisations and importantly local communities in Dundee. The Observatory addresses socio-spatial inequalities in Dundee, across Scotland and beyond. Its activities and efforts are focused on reducing the impacts of inequalities on the life of the most vulnerable groups.

    The observatory’s vision is to transform Dundee into a laboratory of Urban Studies in the UK as well as a model of integration between university, local organisations and communities.

    This presentation will compare the development of Observatories of Urban Inequalities in Dundee and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventRoyal Geographical Society Annual International Conference - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
    Duration: 3 Jul 20125 Jul 2012


    ConferenceRoyal Geographical Society Annual International Conference
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    OtherSecurity of Geography
    Internet address


    • Urban inequalities
    • Dundee
    • Brazil


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