On Ludic Servitude

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Was 1968’s legacy of ludic practices a fetish needed to animate the dream of a socio-political gesture capable of inaugurating long-lasting freedom? If so, how does this gesture compare to the double bind specific of gamified capitalism: enslavement through (negative) freedom? Unlike positive freedom, which foregrounds the pre-existing conditions, rules, and actors, negative freedom advocates the removal of obstacles and the throwing off of restraints. For the proponents of negative freedom, positive freedom is patronising because it depicts the social world as a non-level playing field with few possible moves. Contemporary ludification is an extension of this thinking. It creates the illusion of ‘fair play’ amidst (automated) neoliberal oppression. Drawing parallels between AR games, ludic apps and playbour, this chapter brings La Boétie’s notion of voluntary servitude in dialogue with ludic matrices that condition actions through easification, looping, nudging, the ‘grinding dynamics’ and pre-established rule-goal-feedback grids characteristic of digital ludicity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Double Binds of Neoliberalism
Subtitle of host publicationTheory and Culture After 1968
EditorsGuillaume Collett, Krista Bonello, Iain MacKenzie
Place of PublicationLondon and New York
PublisherRowman & Littlefield
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)9781538154540
ISBN (Print)9781538154526
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022

Publication series

NameExperiments/On the Political
PublisherRowman and Littlefield


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