title = "Opensource (videodance)",
keywords = "Videodance, Dancing in video art",
author = "Karl Jay-Lewin",
editor = "Katrina McPherson and Simon Fildes",
note = "The publication records the processes and outcomes of the Opensource {Videodance} Symposium 15th–18th June 2006 in Findhorn Scotland for video-dance makers and dance artists organised by the authors. It was the first of its kind in the international arena. The aim was to gather together a group of people to explore the issues around video dance and to evolve a critical dialogue created and led by the makers and artists. Guest speakers Douglas Rosenburg (USA) Associate Professor of Dance and director of Screendance Festival, Dr.Stuart Hopps (UK/France), Choreographer for feature films; Prof Steven Spier, (UK/Germany). Attendees included video dance artists, students, curators, producers. The significant outcome was a draft manifesto outlining a critical framework through which video dance work maybe evaluated. A second symposium took place at Findhorn in November 2007 supported by Scottish Arts Council. The symposia are organised by the authors under the umbrella of Videodance.org.uk. Fildes and McPherson are editors and curators of this online resource with current traffic of 23,000 individual visitors per year. The initial research and development phase for this web portal was funded by CityMoves DanceSpace in Aberdeen. In 2005, Arts Council England commissioned Fildes and McPherson to do a report to the dance and the moving image steering group entitled 'A UK information hub for dance and the moving image world-wide'. All key recommendations of the final paper were accepted by the steering group at Arts Council England. The authors are also co-owners of the Media-Arts-and-dance mailing list which has 145 international subscribers. Evidence: Publication and portfolio of supporting evidence coverage.spatial: Symposium in Findhorn Scotland, Opensource {Videodance}, 15th–18th June 2006 Symposium in Findhorn Scotland, November 2007 ",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
isbn = "9780955583407",
publisher = "Goat Media",