Oral surgery undergraduate teaching and experience in the United Kingdom: a national survey

M. Macluskey, J. Durham

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    42 Citations (Scopus)


    The aim of this work was to determine the structure, mode of delivery, mode of assessment and staffing of the oral surgery undergraduate curriculum within UK dental schools. A questionnaire was distributed by e-mail in January 2006 to each of the 15 dental schools with undergraduate dental degree programmes in Ireland and the UK. Those providing feedback then met to clarify any areas as required. Thirteen completed questionnaires were returned. There were a total of 55 academics involved in the teaching of oral surgery at these 13 institutions. Over the three clinical years the mean number of clinical sessions was 51. The mean staff student ratio for supervision of forceps exodontia was 1:5. On average 51 teeth were extracted by each student in the clinical years. The mean staff student ratio for surgical extractions was 1:2. The mean number of surgical extractions for each student was 6. All schools formatively assessed competency in forceps exodontia and 9 of 13 assessed surgical extractions. Summative assessment of exodontia was done in six schools and surgical extractions in 4 of 13 schools. All 13 schools deliver teaching programmes designed to meet the requirements of the frameworks governing the central curriculum. There were, however, variations between individual schools in the content and delivery of the oral surgery clinical teaching programmes. There were dramatic variations in the numbers of academic staff involved and some institutions relied on their NHS colleagues to deliver the clinical teaching.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)52-57
    Number of pages6
    JournalEuropean Journal of Dental Education
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2009


    • oral surgery
    • undergraduate
    • experience
    • assessment
    • United Kingdom


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